Clubs/Organizations » Spanish Club

Spanish Club

Upcoming Events

February 12 starts strawberry Sales
April 10th- Flamenco Show in Columbus (Spanish Club)
May 12- Kings Island (Span. Club/ FCCLA)

2019-2020 Spanish Club Officers

President- Nick Pittman
Vice-president - Lily Guess
Treasurer -Jade Trainer
Secretary -Mckenzie Channell

Vinton County High School Spanish Club Mission Statement

The name of this organization shall be “Vinton County Spanish Club” Its purpose is to promote and further our knowledge of Spanish and the countries in which it is spoken and to encourage the students to use their Spanish. Membership shall be open to any Vinton County High School student who is currently enrolled in Spanish class.
The officers of this club shall be: president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer. The officers shall be elected annually, in the beginning of the school year. A majority vote will be necessary for an officer to be elected. If a majority is not reached, a run-off election will be held between the top two candidates.
The president shall preside over meetings, see that the work of the club goes forward and represent the club when necessary. The president shall be a student in Spanish III or above and have been a member of the club for at least one year. In addition, the president should be a full-time student at the Vinton County High School. The vice-president shall assist the president and act in his absence.
He/she shall also be in charge of planning and forming committees for the various functions of the club and snacks. The secretary will keep the minutes of every meeting of the Spanish Club. The treasurer will help the advisor with the receipt, deposit and disbursement of club funds.
An officer may be removed for failure to fulfill his duties and/or for misconduct of any kind, by a two-thirds vote of the entire membership and/or approval of the advisor and principal. If the president is removed from or resigns from office, the vice-president shall assume the office of president.
There will be a $2.00 due to participate in the club for meeting supplies. A student who signs up but never participate in any club activities will not be considered a part of the club and will not be added to the permanent roster. Members are required to attend 2 of the 3 yearly meetings in order to be an active member. Members are also required to collect 3 community service points during to school year in fundraisers and activities. Only active members with 3 community service points will be able to attend the spring fieldtrip.
The advisor shall have final authority in all decision making concerning the club. Her approval or veto of decisions is final. The advisor will be present at all meetings. If she is not present, the meeting will not take place as an official Spanish Club function, unless another faculty member, approved by the advisor, is present in place of the advisor. This applies at any function of the club.
2017-2018 fundraisers:  Trips/Fieldtrips:
October.-Spanish Club Shirt Sale
Basket Bingo Dec . 2nd
            Dec. 1st: Coco Movie and Mexican
February- Strawberry Sale Flamenco Ballet 4/10 and Kings Island (May)