Preschool » Preschool


step up quality
Vinton County Local School District considers early childhood education to be an important foundation for success in school and in life!
We provide high quality preschool programing in a variety of settings. 

Early Childhood Education Classrooms 

Our district has three early childhood education classrooms - one at each elementary building. Our ECE classrooms are grant funded serving four-year-old children from families at, or below, the 200% poverty level. Each family must provide proof of income when applying.  Grant funded spaces will be first priority. The district may accept three-year-old children or four-year-old children, from families with income higher than the grant guidelines.  Families with income at, or below, 100% poverty attend free. Families with income between 100% or 200% of the poverty line may pay tuition on a sliding fee scale. Families above the 200% poverty line will pay full tuition. Families enrolling from out of district will pay full tuition.

Preschool Special Education Classrooms

We have two preschool special eduction classrooms, one at South Elementary and one at Central Elementary. These classrooms provide specially designed instruction to three, four and five year old children with special needs. Both classrooms serve children with special needs as well as typically developing peers. 

Itinerant and Related Services

Related services (speech, occupational, and physical therapies) and itinerant preschool services, are provided to 
children with special needs. Children may be served in community based programs such as head start, home day cares, or child care centers.
For more information about our preschool programs please call the District Office at 740-596-5218.
Teresa Snider, Assistant Superintendent/Early Childhood Director - Extension 1255
Larry Arthur, Director of Special Education - Extension 1238 
Andrea Littler, Preschool Speech and Language Pathologist - Extension 1232
Teresa Doughty, Itinerant Preschool Teacher - Extension 1233 

Parent Resources

Preschool Handbook and Forms
Early Literacy Resources!
Talking is Teaching!
"Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing" is a public awareness campaign that helps parents recognize their power to boost their children’s early brain and vocabulary development!
Serving Children Birth to age 3!